Life & Stories


Peace is a blessing. As we live our lives, the more experiences we encounter, and in those experiences, we often collect some burdens. We go through good and tough times. Somedays are usually tougher than others, but we manage to pull through. Keeping worries and anxiety away by being in the present moment. We learn to accept that living in the past is pointless. Since it is already gone and the future is yet to come. 

Being absent in our moments makes us miss the miracles of that moment. We then take too long to realize that we are missing in life. As the late Steve Jobs said, You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something. 

Hoponopono prayer allows us to bless the connections in our lives.

The connections we make in life are important in our journey of life. They say everything happens for a reason. Many people will walk in your life, but only some will leave footprints. One day we discover that All that matters is the well-being of the people in your life. The lost and departed we keep dear in our hearts. Blessing the moments and tending to the peace in our hearts. Let us learn to live and let live. Know that there is living life and living life well. That love is the key. To change our perspectives to positivity and fill our hearts with hope. May we embrace this beautiful life and know there are no mistakes in life but lessons. 

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66 thoughts on “Peace

  1. Thank you for this Kevin.
    I’ve always thought I missed out on a lot of opportunities. But I’ve learnt to be more content and peaceful as I awaits for other opportunities to present themselves, the worst thing I can do to myself is not noticing them

    1. Welcome. Time is one of the most precious of assets, limited and the power to use it is in our hands. Being present helps us utilize time much better and brings with it some peace and new opportunities.

  2. The words “All that matters is the well-being of the people in our lives” jumped out of your writing into my heart like an arrow with honey on its tip having enlightenment’s power. As with all truth, we know it in our spirit, but it takes words of life to penetrate it deeply into our minds and hearts. Thanks to your faithfulness in giving yourself and your understanding, today is my day of discovery that this heart’s attitude is the key to greatness. Truly, it will open up the heaven’s doors of peace, joy and righteousness, not just for ourselves, but for others.
    May God bless and bless you for giving me your divine substance. You are a very special gift to this world Kevin.

    1. Thank you Mitchele, I am glad the words touched you and are a blessing to you. I find peace in the thoughts of peace and sharing them better affirms them for me. I am humbled by your words and send love and peace your way. Thank you ❤

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